Acusport therapy Acupuncture and Human Performance, LLC

Dr. Christopher "Chappy" Chapleau - sports acupuncturist, manual therapist, and exercise physiologist.
Dr. Christopher "Chappy" Chapleau - sports acupuncturist, manual therapist, and exercise physiologist.
to Boulder's premier one-on-one pain and performance clinic utilizing sports acupuncture, dry needling, manual therapies, sports massage, movement assessments, corrective exercise programming, and passive recovery tools to rehabilitate
injuries and optimize performance.
- these are the type of acute and incapacitating injuries that Western medicine treats best. Arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery are spectacular works of modern medicine. But the cost of this amazing work is experiencing the injury in the first place. What about prevention? What about healing and strengthening before you have a devastating accident or acute condition?
- for that throbbing ankle, that pinch in your lower back, the unexplained stiffness in your knee that can't be found by an x-ray or MRI until it manifests into a full blow-out? Why is the recommended therapy to stop the activity that is causing the problem or to take anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers? Where is the miracle of modern medicine?
- for the pains of the body, particularly those associated with athletes, but they are the work of something ancient rather than modern. Something that has existed for over 2000 years and is now gaining acceptance by the Western scientific establishment. The system of healing is known as acupuncture.